* Magic: Intuition, psychic ability, conjuring, manifesting, prayer, inner wisdom and other woo-woo 


+ magic! *

Witch woman. Gardener. World traveler. Astrocartographer to the stars. Cat employer.

hi, I’m hailey,

To finally learn why I felt like such a misfit in some places and a shining star in others was an incredible relief. Decades later, I've called over sixty places around the world home and watched as the lives of clients and friends have transformed, sometimes only relocating a short distance.

Today I'm more convinced than ever that location has the power to change our reality, and I'm honored to help you discover where your life is calling you. If this is your first introduction to Astrocartography, here's a peek at what your reading can reveal...

I discovered Astrocartography twenty years ago and I felt like I'd struck gold.

Astrocartography shows you...


where you're supported

Your Astrocartography map identifies areas that are energetically supportive of your current goals and desires. 


Where your people are

"Where do I belong?" or "I'm ready to meet my life partner, where are they?" Astrocartography shows us where our relationships are enhanced and our attractiveness is on full blast.


when to go where

Some lines on an Astrocartography map move. Mapping this is called Cyclocartography, which can tell you the best times to travel or move, and most importantly, to where.

Timing is included in every reading!!


new place, different story

When you move, your astrology chart moves too. Planets shift houses, leaving you with a new sense of reality. Your relocated chart shows you your life beyond just the line you're moving to. 

And much more...

for life

enhance visibility

spiritual connection

increase abundance

from katie:

“Our session handed me the reigns to my life.”

"I've been feeling a big shift coming for a while, but nothing I could imagine felt completely aligned until we met. I can't thank you enough - our reading felt like peeking behind the curtain of creation."

- Katie


no. 01

Book A Reading With Me

Pick a date in my calendar and add as much detail as you can to the intake form.

no. 02

Send Me Your Details

Include your precise birth date, time and location so I can prepare for our session together.

no. 03

Tell Me What You Want

Whatever you know for certain, include that. Hot, cold, English speaking, a specific country, and most importantly, what you want more than anything else.


This is for you if:

you're open to alternative wisdom 

you could use a little guidance making it happen

You're committed to living your best life

It's probably not for you if...

you prefer a strictly practical approach

You're looking for "the perfect place"

You're still afraid of witches, even the good ones


Do you really need my exact birth time?

YES!!  I wish I could wave a magic wand and tell you otherwise, but Astrocartography works because it is a very precise craft. Credible sources can be birth certificates and hospital baby cards. Your aunt remembering it was around the end of her favorite soap opera?  Not so much.  

why do you need 24 hours to prepare for my session?

Before we ever meet in 'online-person', I take my time going over your relocated charts, your Astrocartography map, your desire list.  I look at everything together to see a clear picture of where you are on your life path and how I can best serve you at this point in time.  This is the minimum amount of time I require to be thorough, considerate, and prepared for a transformative session.

What if I can't relocate due to circumstances beyond my control?

This is one of my favorite readings to do because it empowers you to master the energy that fate is offering you. I haven't always been able to live in easy locations, but having to learn to wield more difficult energies has made me far more powerful and gracious than if I never learned how to lean into it. So if you can't move but you're ready for a new chapter, let's talk.

Success Stories

Jeff sells his company and moves abroad

“The timing thing blew my mind - you really can't make this stuff up.”

"It sounds cliché but I have a new lease on life here. I'm eternally grateful for your push and guidance, I'd actually never even heard of this place until we met and it already feels like home in a way that San Francisco never did." 

DIANA tripled her income by moving 200 miles away

“I felt invisible in LA, now I  feel like a boss, and I am one!”

"What I would tell anyone looking to do a reading is to "get it with this woman because she can read much more than the stars!!". But seriously though, I'll be coming back again and again; you and your wisdom are pure gold." 

morgan found a partner for life 

“'Settling down' for us means traveling the world together, which is even better than I could have hoped for."

"The best way I can describe it is like there was an opening within myself to others, and a greater desire to connect. And then there's the awareness of more potential connections than I'd previously experienced anywhere else. If you're single and looking, I recommend it!"

what would you tell people about life on a relationship line?

would you recommend a reading to a friend?

how would you describe life since our session?

Just the basics, thanks.

Torn between two cities? Trying to master the lines in your neighborhood? Then this is the reading for you!  Limited to 3 specific locations, it's perfect for the client who knows what they want. 

50 minutes 

My bags are packed, how do I book?

Give me the works!

1 hour 30 minutes

In this signature reading, we travel the world together. I'll show you your best places for both relocation or future travel. Cyclocartography, which shows you the best time to visit or move is also considered.  

Follow ups and returning clients:


The follow-up

Ever wish for your own personal witch? These coaching calls can be used in any way your heart desires, like using divination and astrology for major life decisions, life purpose analysis, energetic psycotherapy, and of course, Astrocartography! 

We've had an initial session and I know your chart inside and out, but you still want more - more details, new location specifics, the best places to travel this year and when.
Click bellow to schedule your follow up! 


$1200 for 6 sessions

50 minutes

50 minute call twice/month

send as a gift certificate

send as a gift certificate

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.”

— Rumi